Roman Empire, Faustina (wife Antoninus Pius), Æ Sestertius

141 AD, Rome mint

Roman Empire, Faustina (wife Antoninus Pius), Æ Sestertius
85.00 VAT margin scheme
Article code19-2301
Faustina the Elder, wife of Emperor Antoninus Pius (138-161 AD).
Æ Sestertius, struck (after her death) in Rome 141 AD under Antoninus Pius.

Obverse: Stephaned, veiledand draped bust left, hair elaborately waved in several loops around head, drawn up and coiled on top.
Reverse: Pietas standing left, dropping incense over lighted altar with right hand, holding incense or perfume box in left.
Legend: PIET-AS AVG.

Diameter: 31,8 mm
Weight: 20,18 g
RIC III 1146A (Pius)

Nice green natural patina. Rare coin with bust left.
Antoninus Pius: Roman Emperor from 138-161 AD and one of the 'Five Good Emperors'. His reign is notable for the internal peace and prosperity which allowed trade and commerce to flourish.
In 142 AD the Antonine Wall was built to protect the Roman frontier in Britain.
Antoninus was deeply devoted to his wife Faustina the Elder. After her death he had her deified and created a charity in her honour (Girls of Faustina) which assisted destitute girls of good family.
Upon his death, he left behind his successors a large surplus in the treasury.

Features and Specifications

Period Roman
Category Coins
Material AE (copper/bronze)
Country Roman Empire