Roman Empire, Tacitus (275-276 AD), Æ Antoninianus

276 AD, Siscia mint

Roman Empire, Tacitus (275-276 AD), Æ Antoninianus
Roman Empire, Tacitus (275-276 AD), Æ Antoninianus
250.00 VAT margin scheme
Article code22-3757
Tacitus, Æ silvered Antoninianus, struck Siscia 276 AD.

Obverse: IMP C M CL TACITVS AVG - Radiate bust right, draped and cuirassed.
Reverse: FELICIT TEMP - Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and sceptre.
Exergue: V (mintmark Siscia)

Ref: RIC Vi, 140 (= 276 AD)
EF, struck on a wide flan. Rare in this quality.

Diameter: ± 24 mm
Weight: ± 4,32 g

Tacitus, Roman Emperor from December 275 - June 276 AD. He was elected by the Senate after the assassination of Aurelian. During his short reign he campaigned against the Goths and the Heruli.
He won victories in Asia Minor and was given the name ‘Gothicus Maximus'.
It is uncertain whether he was murdered by his soldiers or died of disease. His successor was his half brother, Florian, who ruled for three months before being killed by his soldiers.

Features and Specifications

Period Roman
Category Coins
Material AE (copper/bronze)
Country Roman Empire