Roman Empire, Hadrianus (117-138 AD), AR Denarius

119-122 AD, Rome mint

Roman Empire, Hadrianus (117-138 AD), AR Denarius
Roman Empire, Hadrianus (117-138 AD), AR Denarius
Roman Empire, Hadrianus (117-138 AD), AR Denarius
250.00 VAT margin scheme
Article code24-1504
Obverse: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right.
Reverse:P M TR P COS III, Genius standing left, sacrificing with patera over altar and holding two stalks of grain.

Diameter: ± 18,6 mm
Weight: ± 3,25 g

EF with excellent bold portrait, rare in this condition.

Hadrian, Roman Emperor from 117-138 AD. He has been described as a 'benevolent dictator' and spent half of his reign abroad. In 122 AD he started the construction of a new wall that would separate the barbarians from the Romans in Britain. Despite the massacre during the second Roman-Jewish war (132-135 AD) he is still considered to be one of the 5 Good Emperors. His reign saw relative peace and his focus was mostly on culture.

Features and Specifications

Period Roman
Category Coins
Material Silver
Country Roman Empire