Roman Empire, Maximus, Æ Sestertius

236-238 AD

Roman Empire, Maximus, Æ Sestertius
Roman Empire, Maximus, Æ Sestertius
Roman Empire, Maximus, Æ Sestertius
Roman Empire, Maximus, Æ Sestertius
250.00 VAT margin scheme
Article code24-1738
Obverse: MAXIMVS CAES GERM, draped bust right.
Reverse: PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS S-C, Maximus standing left with baton & spear, standards behind.

Diameter: ± 31,4 mm
RIC 13; Cohen 14
VF with attractive smooth green patina
Gaius Julius Verus Maximus, son of the Roman Emperor Maximinus I Thrax. He was appointed Caesar by his father around 236 AD. During the Siege of Aquileia in the Year of the Six Emperors (238 AD), both father and son were  murdered by by disaffected members of the Legio II Parthica.

PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS: Latin for: dedicated to the Prince of Youth

Features and Specifications

Period Roman
Category Coins
Material AE (copper/bronze)
Country Roman Empire