Migration Period, large Visigothic cloisonné belt buckle

525-560 AD

Migration Period, large Visigothic cloisonné belt buckle
Migration Period, large Visigothic cloisonné belt buckle
Migration Period, large Visigothic cloisonné belt buckle
Migration Period, large Visigothic cloisonné belt buckle
Migration Period, large Visigothic cloisonné belt buckle
Migration Period, large Visigothic cloisonné belt buckle
Migration Period, large Visigothic cloisonné belt buckle
Migration Period, large Visigothic cloisonné belt buckle
Migration Period, large Visigothic cloisonné belt buckle
2,850.00 VAT margin scheme
Article code23-1707
A striking, large copper alloy cloissoné belt buckle from the Visigothic Migration period, complete with a bronze catchplate with a stylized animal head tongue (rigid).
The rectangular frontplate is decorated with different shapes of clear green glass in cloisonné technique with a central raised rectangular faceted glass inlay. All four corners are decorated with white arched shaped glass discs with a central silver knob.  
Size: ± 124,5 x 63,2 mm        
Good solid condition, restored.

Reference: for similar see The Cleveland Museum of Art, 2007.228
The art of the European Migration Period (3rd - 7th century AD) is primarily focused on personal adornment. Belt buckles, often featuring large rectangular attachment plates, were frequently inlaid with semi-precious stones and coloured glass. Garnets, in particular, were highly valued in Visigothic society for use in cloisonné jewellery. The cloisonné technique involved placing carefully cut pieces of polished stones or glass into a detailed grid of compartments (cloisons).

These large Visigothic buckles are strikingly uniform in shape yet vary widely in surface design. They stand as a testament to the skill of Visigothic metalworkers and offer a glimpse into the personal identities and preferences of their original owners.

Features and Specifications

Period Dark Ages
Category Ancient Jewellery, Artefacts
Material Bronze, Copper (alloy), Enamel, Glass, Silver