Roman Empire, Vespasianus (69-79 AD), Æ Sestertius

69-79 AD, Rome mint

Roman Empire, Vespasianus (69-79 AD), Æ Sestertius
Roman Empire, Vespasianus (69-79 AD), Æ Sestertius
650.00 VAT margin scheme
Article code17-1719
Obverse: Laureate head of Vespasian right.
Reverse: Mars advanding right, holding spear and trophy; S - C.

Diameter: 32,9 mm
Weight: 24,46 g
RIC 247
Vespasian, Roman Emperor from 69-79 AD and founder of the Flavian Dynasty. He was the last Emperor to reign in the 'Year of the Four Emperors'.
His fiscal reforms and consolidation of the Roman Empire generated political stability and a vast Roman building program.

He was legate of the Legio II Augusta and was awarded triumphal honours for his achievements in the invasion of Britain in 43 AD.
He successfully subjugated Judaea during the Jewish rebellion of 66 AD. While Vespasian besieged Jerusalem, Emperor Nero committed suicide and plunged Rome into a year of civil war. After Galba and Otho perished in quick succession, Vitellius became Emperor in April 69 AD. On 20 December 69 AD the Flavian forces defeated Vitellius and Vespasian was declared Emperor by the Senate the following day.

As an emperor, Vespasian faced numerous challenges, most notably stabilizing the economy and restoring peace. Rome’s treasury had been severely depleted by Nero’s lavish spending. In response, Vespasian initiated extensive fiscal reforms and the introduction of new taxes.

In 72 AD construction of the Flavian Amphitheatre began, known today as the Colosseum. Other building projects included the Temple of Pease and restoration of the capitol.
In general, Vespasian was well liked by the Roman people as they enjoyed the peace that his reign afforded them. He was stable-minded and wise with old age, something the people had lacked in their previous rulers like Nero and Caligula.

Features and Specifications

Period Roman
Category Coins
Material AE (copper/bronze)
Country Roman Empire